Friday, April 24, 2009

YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!! (NSFW due to extreme male nudity)

there is a naked wizard. he gets tazed.

Naked Wizard Tased By Reality from Tracy Anderson on Vimeo.


  1. dude farley, atleast put some sort of warning that there is actual nasty unblurred wizard penis in this video

  2. This isn't funny, man. This is really fucked up. Fuck the police.

  3. I didn't post it because I thought it was funny. it is messed up. totally disproportionate.

  4. i would of tazed his ass too, its easy put your hands behind your back or put your damn clothes on

  5. T-Bone, I think we all could have guessed you would have tazed him.

  6. in defense of t-bone, the guy did refuse several cordial requests to put his clothes back on and he was kindof "disturbing the peace." He could have just put what little clothing he had on, and gone on his merry way. It is disturbing in a larger sense of him wanting to be free and saying things like this is beautiful, im not hurting anyone etc. and then being crushed by the authorities. The police could have handled it better, and the cop who kneed him in the chest was a douche, but i mean this is the world we live in.
